Community Outreach
Dennis-Yarmouth Intermediate School
After school program at the D-Y Intermediate School. Students rehearse for The Jungle Book.

Cape Cod Technical High School
Students rehearse The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon in the after school drama club program at the Cape Cod Technical High School

Monomoy Regional Middle School
Students perform in The Bluebird of Happiness as part of an outreach program at Monomoy Regional Middle School.

The Childrens Center
Creative Movement Class at the Childrens Center

CCTC/HJT has proven success in bringing creative drama into the classroom. Creative Drama focuses on participation, not performance. Young people love to pretend, they love to imagine and they love to use their bodies. Giving them an opportunity for dramatic expression not only enhances their self-confidence, it helps them to learn. Creative drama is an experiential workshop that fosters growth and development; a deepened knowledge of self and others. Through involvement in exercises, movement, mime, games, improvisation, voice and storytelling, students develop their imagination, physical coordination and creative problem- solving skills while experiencing the adventure of the dramatic moment. Intellectual development and the learning process – when truly engaged – involves the learners total personality. Creative drama and Theatre in the Classroom has the development of aesthetic sensitivity as its goal, fostering growth in the affective domain of subjective behaviors such as feeling and valuing.
Outreach Programs incorporate creative drama into the curriculum of many subject areas.
Teachers from the CCTC/HJT can bring tailor-made workshops designed to meet your specific needs in regards to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. All workshops follow content that is age appropriate and developmental in scope. Workshops can be designed to meet your schedule for a negotiated fee (based on the classroom hour and class size).
To discuss or schedule a class or workshop for your students/teachers/class, or to obtain further information, please contact Emily Murray at 432-2002 ext 17 or [email protected]